Are you a ML Engineer/Data Scientist ?

Host your AI models in our production ready infrastructure and spend your time building the best model.


Contributors can focus on building the best model solving specific problems


Publish your solution to our ready to use infrastructure

Earn DZT

Earn DZT for successfully publishing your solution. When someone subscribes to your solution you can earn DZT recurrently. Learn More about DZT

What is Doozie Token (DZT) ?

Doozie Token (DZT), a blockchain based personalized reward platform for the internet. With DZT we want to create a harmony among users, contributors and businesses that not only solves the issues existing reward programs fail to address but also maximizes user satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Learn More about DZT

DZT on Gigalogy AI Platform

DZT provides a fully functional payment & reward management system for Gigalogy AI platform


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